Wednesday, January 05, 2011

A Look Back at 2010

I like the idea of looking back and reflecting on what happened last year. I found these questions in a blog post by Rich Schefren.

What were your greatest accomplishments in 2010?
1. The birth of my baby daughter Nadia Jay Dasia
2. Switched to pellet heating (in November)
3. Bought a new Chevy Traverse
4. Celebrated by parents 50th wedding aniversary
5. Learned much more about social marketing and facebook
6. Began learning about html 5 (also a goal this year)
7. Had a successful golf tournament fund raiser for Jaiden's Angel
8. Recieved my first raise and bonus with
9. Put up a new swing set play area for the kids
10. Replaced the front fender on the toyota avalon
11. Strengthed my marriage
12. Grew spiritually
13. Rekindled lost relationship with Jeff B.
14. Spent a fantastic week with the family at the beach

What were your biggest disappointments in 2010?
1.My trading (lost 20K, gained it back, then lost it again)
2.Still no side business or revenue streams
3.Never learned MVC
4.Didn't stick with my health goals (workouts, eating)
5.Didn't give back anything to the universe (via blog, articles)

How did you limit yourself last year, and how can you remove those limits in 2011?
1. Don't follow through on investment ideas/advice
2. Don't put in the work required to acheive goals
3. Afraid the share my opionion; raise my voice (getting better)
4.Didn't use my time wisely