Saturday, September 30, 2006

Pulp Fiction, what a fantastic movie!

Happend to catch Pulp Fiction on cable last night. Was the dubbed version so the lines where pretty cut up; but still -- what a awsome movie. The dialog in that flic is unlike anything.

Anyways, got something to work out; one of those situations in life that always seem to manifest themselves every so often. I'm talking about owed to you can't seem to get the person to pay you. In my case it was my first paying gig at web development. The client was referred to me by a friend. Spoke with him several times about the project and he didn't even flinch at my horly rate. Everything seemed to be on the straight-and-narrom. He didn't come across as someone I couldn't trust; so we made our business arangement on a verbal promise -- no written contract? Yes, I should have been smarter than that.

Anyways, he agrees to my proposal and sends me an email saying he'll fund a po for 5K to cover the cost of the project. And then the client immediately introduces scope creep by proposing some new functionality. I gave the client an estimate, and he still didn't bulk. It was still a go. So I started by creating some web templates of the new site's home page. I did it in html so that it would appear to work -- yet all the links where dead.

Then I submitted the design to the client and he doesn't give me much feedback. Out of the two designs, they like one better than the other. At the point I submit my first invoice for about a grand. The client had originally promised to pay me within a week. So when a week went by, then another, and still no check, I sent the client an email asking about the payment. He said it would go out Friday, Monday the latest -- and I should have had it by Wednesday. Well then Wednesday came and went, and on still nothing. On Friday, now four weeks into the project - about half way done, I submit my second invoice -- with a note that asks where my first check is. I get one line answer; payed 9/18 send 9/19. So once again, I wait a couple days and still nothing. Now I'm pissed. My head is telling me that I got taken; that this guy is just stalling. I had some doubts before, but now I'm sure I've been had. But why? Why would he scam me - and the project still is only half one.

Three days later, on Webnesday, he sends me an email saying he forgot to mail the check and that it went out first thing in the morning. Now I'm ballistic - out of my mind angry. I draft a response but end up sending it to my wife, who rewrites it for me. So I send the thing and it says how I've stoppped working on the site until I get payment on the second invoice and that I don't trust him anymore. I did write that I would finish the project if he promised to pay my last invoice before taking delivery for the final site (and the files). Nothing too bad. We'll I haven't heard from him since; and my check came yesterday. Now I'm starting to feel like I made a mistake, like I was a little harsh. My wife thinks so. I'm reserving judgement until the check clears. If it does, I'll send him a note next week asking where I stand. I'll let you know what happens.

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