Monday, April 16, 2007

Back from the Dead

Yea I know. It's been a loonngg time since my last post. What can I say, "I've been busy". Ok, no excuse for such a lapse. I promise not to let it happen again. Anyways, I had to post a couple thoughts before I forget.

First, my wife and I had a pretty good talk last night. She is annoyed with me that I like to 'embellish' the truth. She calls it lying. I call it 'innocent tall tales'. Anyways, she sees it as a sign of my past behavior where I would lie to her about many things. And by focusing a bit on how I communicate, I think I can curtail this small problem and real it in. My father is the most honest person I ever met (in a good way, unlike my wife's grandmother who wouldn't think twice of saying how fat you are or how ugly you look). I should try to be more like him.

Second, I saw a good article today in ETR. It was about the dangers of aerobic exercise - and how it causes heart problems. The author suggests a different approach using a more 'high-energy output system'. Basically, it has you exert a short burst of extreme exercise. He has a program based on this system, called PACE. I think I'll order it for my wife for her birthday, as she is not happy at all with the results she is getting from her current program.

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